Another Technique for
Enjoying the
Stereoscopic Photography
It may be difficult to see stereo-photos with your naked eyes, without any adaptor or viewer. You may try to make a stereo viewer combining small mirrors to see a big size photo.
Yes, It is one method to enjoy stereo-photos.
But here, I'd like to show you another mehtod.
This time, let's use the reversal film (calling positive film or slide film) for symplifying the viewer.
So, we must use a pair of conventional camera, instead of "single use camera".
It's convenient to use pocket camera but you can meke it with other type of cameras. If you coupled different type of camera, choose the lens of the same focal distance for matching the photo size.Pay your attention to
push two shutters simultaneously, as mentioned in the previous page.
Then, I show you the viewer.
I put the two plastic handy viewers, which contain one magnifying glass, side by side with tape. The viewers were bought at camera shop, so this is a half-finished hand made.
Click the name and get the images placed to see by a cross view or a parallel view method.
(Although I have recomended to use viewer, in the web page you must see with your naked eyes.)
Again, the sample photos were taken as described above.
Ueno zoo, Tokyo
Warei shrine, Uwajima, Ehime
other samples, It's now under construction